Free Customizable Card Box Mockup

  • Files Included
  • File Size
    42.13 MB
  • Resolution
  • Dimensions
  • Layered
  • Requirements
    Adobe Photoshop CS4+

Utilize this free customizable card box mockup to showcase your designs with style. Smart object feature enables you to place your content much quicker. This box mockup involves 3 smart objects to change the top, left and right design. The size of the smart object for top design is 2.9 x 4.5 inches, for right side design is 1.5 x 4.5 inches and for left side design is 2.9 x 1.5 inches. You can also customize the shadows, background and light effects of this free mockup. This small box mockup includes an additional PSD to show your designs with three different boxes. Download this freebie now and please share your experience in the comments box below.

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